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As the year moves ahead, we look back, and it feels like yesterday when we started the last year of the last decade. It has been twelve months of hard work with old and new projects,

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Portugal & Southern Spain Motorcycle tour by peter

Peter, em duas semanas começa o tour em moto Andalicia & Sul de Portugal, você gostaria de dirigir o carro de apoio?”, recebi essa mensagem via Whattsapp no Albergue Ali El Cojo,

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maria imtbike
  1.  María PérezData de Nascimiento: Madrid 3 de Mayo1. ¿Como começas-te a formar parte da família IMTBIKE?Através de uma colega dos Paradores, onde trabalhei durante 10 anos. Ela informou-me que a IMTBIKE procurava alguém para o departamento de reservas e fiz a entrevista com o Scott e a Isa.

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CHANO imtbike

Date of Birth: October 11th.

City of birth: Madrid, Spain.

Last Tour: Custom Tour  “Pirineos Costa a Costa

Social Media: facebook.com/chano.lorenzo.92 


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It was a dream come true when Scott offered me the opportunity to be the support guide on my first IMTBIKE tour. And for my luck, it was going to be on the Best of Portugal tour.

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