
BMW Academy Training
BMW Sponsors
erik imtbike

Your passport! Don’t forget your passport!

This was my biggest worry before leaving my house for the Sants station to catch my train to Malaga.

A few weeks earlier I had recieved a phone call from Martín at IMTBIKE.

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It was a dream come true when Scott offered me the opportunity to be the support guide on my first IMTBIKE tour. And for my luck, it was going to be on the Best of Portugal tour.

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josu imtbike

“Castles and Mountains Tour” Don´t tell me it doesn´t sound simply amazing. We could get quite geeky about it by saying this tour is an absolute space – time travel.

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Até então, nunca tinha subido em uma motocicleta quando meu marido chegou com a idéia: Desafio BMW PuntaAPunta, cruzando a Espanha do Atlântico ao Mediterrâneo em 3 dias.

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Não sei quem me ensinou e nem me lembro quando foi a primeira vez, mas sei que sempre que estou pilotando pelas estradas costumo saudar um piloto que vem em sentido contrario levantando a mão esquerda e fazendo o V,

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